Janice V.
I have to tell you that I am so blown away at how well keto works and makes me feel. One thing that you said was to focus on how you feel and not on how you look. That really hit home for me. When I went off keto for 2 months, I found myself extremely achy and my joints hurt and it was tough to get up every way and I just plain didn't feel well. Thank you for what you do! You are awesome!
Maria A.
Jami stressed really hard on how important it was for women over 40 to stick to diet and exercise - that to me was the key for the great success! If I were to recommend Jami to a friend, I would say first of all, it works!! It's easy. Jami is a very positive and encouraging person who knows her stuff really well. I really appreciate the constant encouragement she gave me which really made me keep on track with diet and exercise! She was definitely a very positive influence in my life!!
Jerry A.
I have a friend in Alaska who lost full use of his hands due to nerve inflammation. Doctors have worked on him for several years with no results. He returned for a visit and I got a big hug from him saying thank you for informing him about the ketogenic diet. He is in almost 90% recovery and improving. It took 3 weeks to reach a ketogenic state but he is so optimistic!
Jill T.
Surprisingly, it was easier than I had expected. After only a few weeks, I had already lost weight but more importantly, I was sleeping 8 hours a night which I hadn't experienced since my teenage years. Jami had me on an exercise plan as well which I think expedited my weight loss. After only 10 weeks I had lost 20 lbs. I've maintained this diet and it is now a way of life for me. I've maintained my weight and feel healthy. I'm grateful to have found Jami and that she has dedicated herself to helping others get healthy
Tami C.
1 am an RN and I resisted Jami for 2 years after she shared a keto diet with me. The pain in my hands were getting worse. knew I needed to make a change. I entered into keto a bit skeptical. The first week I noticed my vertigo was gone! Skeptical still, I ate a bunch of carbs one evening. My vertigo returned the next morning and plagued me for another 48 hours. I am two weeks in now and noticed my gas had disappeared and hand pain is slowly resolving. I've been able to open pickle jars all by myself! One day when I woke up with significant hand pain., I contacted Jami and sent her a picture of what I had eaten differently. She showed me all the inflammatory ingredients I had eaten the night before. I was stunned…..there was a direct relationship of cause and effect. I started with skepticism, ending with belief. Thank you Jami!
Brianna A.
I just wanted you to know that Keto has drastically improved my athletic performance and I couldn’t be happier! I’ve been lifting weights for about the past 5 years and have tried every “athletic performance diet” under the sun. With keto, never have I felt stronger, had more energy or lifted more weight. I look forward to going to the gym because it always seems like I can lift more each time I go. I’m the leanest and most toned I’ve ever been in my life. You're an incredible coach with a never-ending knowledge of keto. You always knows how to get out of a plateau and I can always count on you for motivation and encouragement. You have changed what being “athletic” means to me and I’m forever grateful to you.
Suzanne H.
I physically looked like I had changed a great deal. I felt great!! Each week I felt better and better. Jami could read my moods and knew if I needed to be pushed or if I needed a little love. Working with Jami was a combination of working with a therapist, a life coach and a personal trainer all rolled into one.
Derrek S.
At my Dr. appointment on the Nov. 8th, I weighed 402.6 Ibs.. I was floored I let myself go so far. Yesterday, 2 weeks later I weighed myself, and was 386.0 lb.'s. That's a loss of 16.6 lb.'s. I feel better and my blood sugar has been in the green for a little over a week now. I don't have any sugar cravings and I have more energy too. I want to let you know that vou have made me a believer. want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have given me hope again. You have given me a bright light at the end of the tunnel. When weeks ago I didn't even have a tunnel.
Marci C.
She showed me that by taking care of myself, I would be of greater value to my family. The results I had totally blew my mind. Keto really helped catapult me into overdrive and I have been unstoppable ever since. Jami was there for me in the hard times. Jami has helped me get off the cycle of dieting and gaining weight by giving me winning keys to make this a total lifestyle change and for this I am beyond grateful.
75 years old and ready for change
2019 started off not so good for me. The first of January I got a pressure headache that lasted almost a month along with ringing in my ear which I am still dealing with. I was feeling very old and broken down. I had a head MRI that showed no tumors, masses or bleeding but the MRI of my neck showed 2 bulging discs and significant arthritis. This, I was convinced, was the root of my problem as the pain seemed to originate at the base of my skull. I was prescribed RX which didn’t work so I tried several OTC which did bring some relief. Towards the end of the 4th week, the pain had subsided to where it was manageable. After I was no longer focused 24/7 on my head, I began to realize how much pain I was experiencing all over my body as I do have lots of arthritis.
I decided to get back on the KETO plan and within 4 days I noticed a huge reduction of pain all over. Actually I have known that KETO is good for anti-inflammation as I have been on it before and quit right before the holidays. For 3 months, I then proceeded to really enjoy pigging out on all the wrong foods – cookies, pies, cakes, pasta, candy and everything else I could snatch before it got away. Sure tasted good but I paid a big price. I’m not sure if the wrong foods brought on the headache but I am sure that KETO has been the prime factor in reducing my inflammation pain. I am currently going through laser therapy to repair and rebuild injured tissue and the clinic encourages a KETO lifestyle. I turned 75 recently and now feel terrific and I am eating GOOD!
Thank you Jami for your help and support. Keep up the good work as there are many of us out there who really need you for more than just weight loss although I am enjoying that too!
~ Annie P.
"I'm 82 years old, overweight, lethargic and on medication for high blood pressure and Type II Diabetes. Since January when I started working with Jami, I've lost 30 pounds, I no longer have high blood pressure and all my blood sugar tests are normal so I'm off all my medication! I'm also down two sizes and everything in my closet is too big for me! So thanks to Jami I now have a good reason to look forward to shopping!"